2024 Reorganization Meeting

Per the Missouri Democratic Party bylaws, we must reorganize our county committee every two years between the 2nd Tuesday and 2nd Saturday after the August Primary election. This reorganization must take place in our county seat.

At the reorganization meeting, we elect a new Executive Committee which consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer for the CCDCC. The Chair and the Vice-Chair (one male and one female) must be committee people on the CCDCC. The Secretary and Treasurer (one male and one female) do not need to be committee people.

Since the 55th and the 56th Legislative Districts lie completely within the boundaries of Cass County. The committee members within those legislative districts will meet separately to elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair of their respective districts.

-If due to extenuating circumstances, you cannot attend this meeting, you may give your proxy to another committee member.

-No committee person can carry more than 2 proxies.

-The regular August business meeting will take place after the election of new officers.

-You must be a committee member to vote. 

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  • Loree Voigt
    published this page in Latest News 2024-08-14 18:07:44 -0500