Thank you Cass County Democrats & Friends
Cass Dems what can we say. THANK YOU! So darn proud to be a part of this amazing group of people who are always there caring about our community and stepping up to help those in need. For our August Community Service, we collected 76 pairs of shoes plus cash donations that will fund a gift card for any sizes still needed for the Belton Education Foundation that supports the students in the Belton School District. We will be setting a day next week to deliver our shoes to BEA and will send more pics then. Thanks again to the Community Sevice Committee and all of our donors
August Cass Dems Meeting
We would love for you to join us on August 26th at 6:30 pm at the Rotary Shelter at Lord's Park in Harrisonville.
Boys Youth Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
Toddler Sizes 9 or 10
Girls Youth Sizes 4, 5, 6 and 7
Toddler Sizes 9 or 10Â
August Community Service Project
Help! The Belton Educational Foundation Shoe Pantry is low and school is about to start. BEF supplies shoes for students in need so they can participate in PE and other activities. Something so simple can make a big difference. Between now and August 26 please pick up a pair or two of new children's shoes from the needs list below. Family and friends are welcome to participate too. If you prefer to make a monetary donation instead, we will be happy to shop for you.
Needs List: -- New Shoes Only -- Tennis Shoes or Rubber Soled Shoes Preferred
Youth Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
Toddler Sizes 9 or 10
Youth Sizes 4, 5, 6 and7
Toddler Sizes 9 or 10
Please bring your new shoe donations to the Cass Dems August meeting, Thursday, August 26 at 6:30 in Harrisonville at the Lord’s Park Shelter. If you can’t make the meeting but would like to donate please send us an email at [email protected] and we can make arrangements for a pick-up or drop-off. Let's help get the shoe pantry stocked for the new school year!
Thanks in advance to everyone helping those in need.Â
July Monthly Meeting
July Service Project
Cass Dems for our July Community Service event, please sign up to help provide and serve a meal for Free Hot Soup Belton/Grandview. The folks with Free Hot Soup serve a full meal every week to unhoused and others in need in our community and never miss a beat regardless of temperature or conditions. The numbers they feed and the Need have definitely grown since the pandemic. We'd like to help this dedicated group by preparing the full meal and serving the meal with them on Wednesday, July 14th.
Dishes and sides we prepare should be delivered ready to serve/eat-in disposable pans. All meal items should be delivered between 5:15 -5:30 on July 14th to 155th and & North Scott in Belton on the north side (Jackson County) side of the street.
We distributed a sign-up sheet at our June Cass Dems Meeting. I've provided a recap below for meal items we still need to fill. Please reply to [email protected] to let us know what item(s) from the still needed meal list or extras list below you’d like to sign up for. And also indicate whether you will just be dropping off a meal item and/or if you’d like to stay and help serve the meal.
Meal Items Still Needed:
3 Side Dishes (each side should serve 25 people)
We are looking for veggies, mac & cheese, potatoes, or rice dishes
2 Sets if Individually Wrapped Sandwiches (each set should be 25 sandwiches each )
We are looking for PB&J, meat & cheese, chicken salad, etc.)
1 Dessert (to serve 25 people) individually wrapped or servings. We are looking for cookies, cakes, cupcakes, etc.
1 Dozen Hardboiled eggs (unpeeled and in carton)
2 Bags of Fruit (oranges, peaches, plums)
4 Cases of Flavored Drinks
(Juices, Pop, Capri Sun, Tea)
Extras: (individually wrapped items) pop topped canned food, oatmeal packages, single-serve boxes cereal, granola bars, protein bars, trail mixes, peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, chips
Non-Food Items: disposable razors, deodorants, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotions, pads/tampons, washcloths, body wash, socks, summer clothing, summer shoes, tarps, tents, batteries, underwear.
Thanks, everybody for helping us help those in need.
Celebrate Pride - June 24th - Wallace Park
Do you know what we noticed? We haven't seen any events to celebrate Pride month in Cass County!
So instead of a regular meeting in June, we're going to celebrate PRIDE. Free hot dogs, chips, and drinks while they last, starting at 6:30 pm on June 24th at the large pavilion in Wallace Park, Belton. If you'd like to bring a side dish or a dessert, feel free.Â
We’re proud to stand with and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community this month and every month. You are loved. You are worthy. You are valued. You belong. You are welcomed here!
Happy Pride Month
We’re proud to stand with and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community this month and every month. You are loved. You are worthy. You are valued. You belong. You are welcomed here!
Cass Dems May '21 Meeting
Cass Dems Food Drive Huge Success!