May Meeting
Please join us at our meeting Thursday night. We have a special dinner buffet at 6:00 pm and our meeting at 7:00 pm. This month we are going to talk about Cass County politics and the races coming up in 2020. We'll talk about how we are going to recruit a candidate for every open county race and every legislative district in Cass. Between what has happened in Jeff City and what is going on at the national level the time is now for everyone to step up, while we still can! Never has it been more important for you to ask yourself......
“If not us, who? If not now, when?”
Welcome Elad Gross to Cass County
Please join the Cass County Democratic Party in welcoming Elad Gross, former Assistant Attorney General of Missouri and candidate for Missouri Attorney General, to Raymore on Thursday, March 28, at 6:00 p.m.
Elad is a constitutional attorney who served as Assistant Attorney General of Missouri until 2016. We are excited about his campaign because, as he puts it, "It's the Attorney General's job to stop these dark money groups pretending to be charities, taking taxpayer subsidies to steal our elections. To learn more about his campaign before the event, visit:
This month we're collecting donations for Help Humane - A True No Kill Animal Shelter in Belton. Please look at this wish list and bring what you can to help this local animal shelter:
We'll have pizza ($10.00/person) if you're interested.
2019 Belton St. Pat's Parade
Join us Saturday, March 16th in the Belton St. Patrick's Day Parade. We'll meet at 4:00 pm in Memorial Park in Belton. You can ride on the float or walk with us, either way, come join in the fun!
Missouri Republicans are at it again - acting like they know better than the same voters who put them into office.
66% of voters in Cass County voted AGAINST “right to work” Prop A
Sen. Eric Burlison, (R) Springfield, who filed a bill in December, said right-to-work is an inalienable right that shouldn't be on the ballot.
“I will always support worker freedom,” he said in an interview. “It should be upheld regardless of the people’s vote. These kinds of issues should be elevated above the kinds of things that can be lost in a democratic vote.” 2-13-19 Springfield News Leader
What?!? Exactly is “lost” when the people vote? The Republicans who support this think that profits for BIG business are more important than your VOTE. Our 4th District Rep. Hartzler has gone so far as to sign on to a national right to work bill. The facts show that workers in “right to work” states make less money, it’s not up for debate. Politicians who support this legislation believe corporate profits are more important than your VOTE!
Sen. Emery (R) 31SD, Rep. Bondon (R) 56HD, Rep. Haffner (R) 55HD, Rep. Pfautsch (R) 33HD and Rep. Reedy (R) 57HD, respect our VOTE!
Read more
February Cass Dems Meeting
NOTE the NEW location. This month we'll be at the El Dorado Mexican Restaurant in Raymore. We have a private room to hold our ever-growing group!
We will be collecting items for Hope Haven of Cass County. Their current needs list includes: Gift Cards (Groceries, Gas Cards, etc.) Dish Soap, Conditioner, Women's Deodorant, Body Wash/Body Lotion, Bras/Underwear (All Sizes), Toilet Paper, Plastic Storage Totes, Clorox Wipes, Pull-ups Boys Sizes 2T to 5T and Girls Pull-ups Sizes 2T to 4T, Paper Towels, Hair Brushes.
We'll be talking about the upcoming municipal elections (if you are a candidate please feel free to attend) and our 1st Qtr. Outreach (we could use some more postcard writers!).
See you on Thursday, February 28th. Come at 6:00 pm for dinner and some always enjoyable like-minded conversation. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
NEW location for our Jan. 2019 Meeting
We've moved our location for our 1st meeting in 2019 to Brickyard Bar & Grill in Belton. Hope to see you this Thursday night at 6:00pm for dinner and 7:00pm for our meeting.
2018 Christmas Party
Come and join us as we partake in the holiday spirit on Saturday, December 8th, at the Twin Pines Country Club in Harrisonville.
We will provide Ham, Turkey, and Beverages but ask that you bring a side dish. We will be collecting cash donations for our adopted families.
If you can come, please RSVP at this link and let us know what side you are bringing.
No matter how you celebrate the season we wish you a time of much happiness spent with those you love!