April Meeting
Needs for May Community Service with Free Hot Soup (if you'd like to help out, but can't make the meeting email us at: [email protected])
Locations for meetings this spring/summer (particularly Harrisonville, P-Hill, Peculiar etc.
Location for 2022 Headquarters
Summer Family Day
Upcoming community events
Summer Fundraiser
Action Saturdays
Back to Blue - Good Trouble - SUCCESS
Still Time to Buy Your Tickets!
There's still time to get your tickets for Back to Blue - Good Trouble! BUY TICKETS HERE
In addition to this amazing line-up of speakers,
we will also be joined my 4 of our terrific candidates for US Senate!
Join us to help fund our Community Outreach programs, Voter Registration activities, and support our local candidates with a headquarters in Cass County this year!
VOTE Tuesday, April 5th
March Meeting

Back to Blue - Good Trouble
Dear Fellow Democrats,
Are you ready to start some Good Trouble? The Cass County Democratic Central Committee is hosting its annual Back to Blue Dinner on April 23, 2022, at Memorial Station in Belton and we would love your support. We will honor Good Troublemakers past, present and future with a social hour at 5:30 pm, followed by dinner and program starting at 6:30pm. This event is a fundraiser for our Central Committee and will allow us to open a headquarters during the 2022 election cycle and support our local Democratic candidates.
Our inspiring line-up of Good Troublemakers includes Jessica Piper, a rural Progressive running for Missouri HD1, Manny Abarca, KCMO school board & MDP Treasurer, a special video message from Congressman Emanuel Cleaver and our special guest, Kansas City, MO Mayor Quinton Lucas. Jessica Podhola, IUPAT Government Affairs, returns as our emcee. Join us for a fun evening of great food, great entertainment, and phenomenal Democrats! You especially don’t want to miss our silent auction or a chance to win a locally made Gaddup the Democratic donkey quilt.
Your support is always critical to the success of Democrats in Cass County and this support is essential in 2022. We really need your help as an EVENT Sponsor. Four sponsorship levels are available. Please see the enclosed reply form for details. You may purchase individual tickets or sponsorships online at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/b2b2022.
If you’d like to purchase extra tickets, or if you purchase a sponsorship and won’t be using all of your tickets, please indicate on the form that these tickets may be given to our volunteers and/or students.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you for an eventful evening of Good Trouble!
Patty Johnson
Chair, Cass County Central Democratic Committee
PS: The safety of our guests is of utmost importance to us. We ask that all attendees be up to date with their Covid-19 vaccinations. We will closely monitor Covid-19 cases here and if there is more than a 5% positivity test rate, masks will be required inside the venue when not eating or drinking.
February Meeting
See you Thursday night, February 24th, at El Dorado Restaurant in Raymore.

Filling for State and County Office runs between Feb. 22 and March 29th.
County office candidate file in Harrisonville at the old courthouse on the Square. State office candidates file in Jefferson City.
Please let us know if you have any questions at [email protected]! We want and deserve a DEMOCRAT running in every single race.
Qualifications to run for State Rep:
-At least 24 years of age
-Qualified Missouri voter for 2 years before the election
-A resident of the district which he is chosen to represent for 1 year before the election
-Is not delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes, real property taxes on the place of residence as stated in the declaration of candidacy
-Is not a past or present corporate officer of any fee office that owes any taxes to the state
-Has not been found guilty of or pled guilty to a felony under the federal laws of the United States of America
-Has not been found guilty of or pled guilty to a felony under the laws of this state or an offense committed in another state that would be considered a felony in this state
Qualifications to run for ANY County Office:
•Citizen of the US
•Resident of the state 1 yr. next preceding election
•Registered Missouri voter
•Is not delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes, real property taxes on the place of residence as stated in the declaration of candidacy
•Is not a past or present corporate officer of any fee office that owes any taxes to the state
•Has not been found guilty of or pled guilty to a felony under the federal laws of the United States of America
•Has not been found guilty of or pled guilty to a felony under the laws of this state or an offense committed in another state that would be considered a felony in this state
Presiding Commissioner
•Resident of the county.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
•Resident of the county 3 months next preceding election
•Over 21 years of age
Recorder of Deeds
•21 years old
•Registered voter
•Resident of the county 1-year next preceding election
County Auditor
•21 years old, United States citizen
•Resided in Missouri for one year and the county for 3 months before the election.
•Must be familiar with the theory and practice of accounting by education, training, and experience
•21 years old,
•Resident of the county for at least one year prior to the date of filing for such office.
•Must present to the county clerk a signed affidavit from a surety company authorized to do business in Missouri stating the candidate meets the statutory bond requirements for the office of collector.
County Clerk
•Over 21 years old
•Resident of the county 1-year next preceding election
Prosecuting Attorney
•At least 21 years of age
•Licensed to practice law in Missouri.
•Resident of the county 1-year next preceding election
Associate Circuit Judge
•25 years of age
•Qualified Missouri voter
•Resident of the county for at least 1 year before the election
•Licensed to practice law in Missouri
January 2022 Meeting
We are excited to get together and talk about our plans for 2022!
We'll be joined by the House Democratic Campaign Committee which has put together some very valuable tools for people who are running for Missouri House. They also do a terrific job of messaging and organizing through their Democratic Legislative Network. Even if you aren't running for office this is a group you need to know about!
Learn about our key focus areas for 2022 and how you can help.
AND, we have a very special guest joining us in Mr. Jim Hogan, candidate for the Missouri House of Representatives.
Send us an email at [email protected] if you'd like to join us!