Posted by Loree Voigt · May 18, 2021 8:59 AM
The Food Drive at Harrisonville Price Chopper was a huge success! We raised about $3100 in donations and groceries for Hope Haven and WCMCAA Food Pantry. So many thank yous’ to make.
Thank you to
Balls Price Chopper in Harrisonville for letting us host this event at your store, thank you to those who mailed in donations or dropped off donations, thank you to the community service committee and volunteers who came out to help greet shoppers, gather grocery donations, shop for groceries, sort donations and deliver donations.
And thank you to all shoppers in Harrisonville and the surrounding community who so kindly and generously donated for these groups in need. The shelves and our hearts are full!
Posted by Loree Voigt · May 09, 2021 5:56 PM

Please support the Cass County Democrats Food Drive to benefit Hope Haven and West Central Missouri Community Action Agency. Both agencies have noted that their needs have increased dramatically since the pandemic.
Members of the Cass Dems community service committee will be at the Harrisonville Price Chopper on Saturday, May 15 from 10 am – 3 pm handing out needs lists to shoppers and collecting non-perishable food, personal care items, and gift card donations.
How can you help?
Come shop and donate during our event on May 15 or shop in advance for items on the list and drop them off to us at the event on May 15
Can't make it on May 15? Shop in advance and make arrangements (send an email) to drop off your items or a grocery gift card on or before May 13. A copy of the needs list is included in the image of this post.
Please help us help people in need.
Posted by Loree Voigt · April 17, 2021 11:18 AM

The weather isn't going to allow us to have an outdoor meeting this month. We'll try again in May! The Zoom link was sent out in Sunday's email, join us at 7:00pm via ZOOM!
Posted by Loree Voigt · March 16, 2021 10:11 PM
The pandemic and the associated economic crisis have had a severe impact on Missouri.
The need for action is clear:
• Since the pandemic began, more than 480,913 people have been infected with COVID-19 and more than 8,161 people have died.
• The unemployment rate is 4.4%, up from 3.6% before the pandemic.
• Since February 2020, more than 68,416 fewer people are employed.
• 384,000 adults – 9% of all adults in the state – report not having enough food to eat. This includes 132,000 adults living with children, or 8% of all adults living with children, who report that the children in their household do not have enough to eat.
• An estimated 206,000 renters or 17% of renters are not caught up on rent.
• An estimated 1,350,000 adults or 31% of all adults statewide report having difficulty covering normal household expenses.
President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will provide Missouri with:
• $2.838 billion in state fiscal relief
• $2.237 billion in local fiscal relief
• More than $2.010 billion in relief for K-12 schools
• Economic impact payments of up to $1,400 per person (above the $600 per person provided in December) for more than 3,977,000 adults and 1,505,700 children. This is 90% of all adults in the state and 89% of all children in the state.
• Additional relief of up to $1,600 per child through the Child Tax Credit to the families of 1,262,000 children, lifting 73,000 children out of poverty
• Additional relief of up to nearly $1,000 through the Earned Income Tax Credit to 361,000 childless workers, including many in frontline jobs
• Marketplace health insurance premiums that are $1,503 lower per month for a 60-year old couple earning $75,000 per year
So the next time you see Blunt, Hartzler, or Hawley pushing their lies, show them the truth!
Posted by Loree Voigt · March 14, 2021 8:12 PM
With Roy Blunt not seeking reelection, the race for Senate in 2022 is wide open. So far four Democrats have announced and we hope to bring them all to Cass County several times between now and the Primary in August 2022.
First up this month is Timothy Shepard. Tim grew up in Kearney and Excelsior Springs just north of Kansas City. He is an entrepreneur, husband, father, and activist. Learn more about Tim in the link below and then join us on March 25th to welcome him to Cass County!
The meeting ZOOM link will be sent out in our newsletter on March 21st. To get the link, click
JOIN at the top of the page.
Posted by Loree Voigt · March 14, 2021 1:11 PM

The same group that ignored the citizens of Cass County, and their own health department, when we begged for a mask mandate. The same group that invited the Chiefs to have a super spreader parade here, and were mocked by the Chiefs and many others for their science-denying stunt.
By adopting the Trump Covid Plan, 82 of our neighbors, to date, have died from Covid in Cass County.
Bob Huston is up for re-election in 2022, who is going to run against him?
Posted by Loree Voigt · February 13, 2021 6:06 PM

We invite you to join us on Thursday, February 25th. The Zoom link to join will be sent out in an email on Feb. 21st. Click "Join Us" at the top of this website to be on our email list.
Our special guest is the new Secretary of the Missouri Democratic Party, Manny Abarca. Cass County has known Manny since he joined the Missouri Coordinated Campaign to help re-elect Senator Claire McCaskill in 2012. He also served as a National Delegate to the DNC in 2012 for President Barack Obama. After the McCaskill race turned tides, with the (then) craziness of Todd Akin, Manny left the Missouri Coordinated Campaign to work with Jim White, Patty Johnson, and Charlie Burton for state offices here in Cass County.
Manny currently serves as a Jackson County Democratic Committeeman and Kansas City Public School Board member.
We watched Manny rise to leadership in the Missouri Democratic party. Please join us as we welcome him "home" to Cass County.
Posted by Loree Voigt · January 21, 2021 6:38 PM
We are committed to building back better in Cass County. Learn how to be part of the Central Committee and local Democratic Party. Hear about our exciting new goals and ways you can help. What would you like to learn about Democratic strategy and outreach? Join us as we work together to build our party to better serve the citizens of Cass County.
Click Join at the top of this page and receive our newsletter, the Zoom link will be in the newsletter sent out on January 24th.
Posted by Loree Voigt · January 16, 2021 4:41 PM

JOIN US! In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, and in conjunction with the Biden/Harris inaugural events, Cass County Democrats will be participating in "a day on, not a day off" on Monday, January 18th. Here are several ideas and places where you can donate your time, food goods, or other items to benefit our community.
- Call Hope Haven in Harrisonville and see what their immediate needs might be
- Do some clean-up at area parks and green spaces.
- Bright Futures in Harrisonville needs bottled water.
- Caring Hearts in Peculiar, and the small food pantry across from the Peculiar Police Dept.
- Harrisonville Food Pantry and Ministerial Alliance
- Food Pantry in Belton at VOX Church 622 2nd St.
- Family Resource Center of Cass County
Posted by Loree Voigt · December 31, 2020 12:32 PM
To all the frontline workers, the healthcare workers, teachers, EMTs, first responders, store workers, you’ve made a lot of sacrifices for us in 2020 and so to every single one of you THANK YOU so much. You’ve been our heroes this year, and we’ll forever be grateful!
We're also grateful that we were able to pass Medicaid expansion, which will help so many Missourians gain access to affordable healthcare! And while November didn't bring the outcome we'd hoped for in Missouri, it is such a relief to know that very soon we'll once again have honorable and honest leadership in our great country with President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris!
The Cass County Democrats will begin having monthly Zoom gatherings again in January and we'd love for you to join us. The lack of leadership in Cass County and the state of Missouri has been tragic this last year and we could sure use your help in bringing back a government that works for the health and welfare of ALL of us. Click the join button at the top of this website and you'll receive our monthly newsletter for dates and times of our meetings.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, may 2021 bring health, peace, and happiness to you and your families!