Chris Koster kicks-off his GOTV Tour in Cass County


Join us this Friday, November 4th, at our Harrisonville Democratic Headquarters to welcome back to Cass County our next Governor, Chris Koster.  Chris is kicking-off his GOTV tour at 9:00am.  Hope you will all join us!  

Last Meeting Before the Election

This is it!  The final meeting before the election.  GOTV information for all our candidates.  Polling location instructions, poll watching, information on the Amendments, volunteers for election day, we need your help.   This final push will mean a WIN in our close races, please plan to attend.


Nov. 8th Sample Ballot


Final Debate Watch Party

Please join us for the FINAL Debate Watch Party before we vote on November 8th.  Bring your favorite snack to share.  


CCCDC September Meeting

We've got too much going on to list here, so be sure and join us this Thursday, September 22nd for our monthly meeting.  Social Hour/Meal at 6:00 pm and meeting at 7:00 pm.  What can you do to help elect Democrats?  Come find out!


Debate Watch Party


Chili for Chase

If you live in the 33rd District and haven't met Chase Linder, we bet you will soon!  Chase has been out knocking on doors for several months getting to know the people in his district and hearing about what is really important to them.  Chase isn't taking money from the big $$ donors who are buying up Missouri legislators, so he needs our support! Join Phil and Debbi Lehr with Wayne and Pam Scrudder on September 21st, to show your support for Chase.  



2nd Annual Cass Democrats Picnic in the Park

Join us this coming Saturday, September 10th, for our 2nd Annual Cass County Democrats Picnic in the Park.  Bring your friends and family to Wallace Park in Belton from 4-7:00PM.  We'll have hot dogs and chips and we're right next to a playground for the kids. If you need to register to vote, we'll help you get that done.  You'll have a chance to meet all your local candidates for State House and Senate as well as Luke Scavuzzo, South District Commissioner.  Several of our statewide candidates or their representatives will be in attendance as well.  See you Saturday!  


Headquarters Grand Opening


Join us Thursday night, August 25th as we celebrate the Grand Opening of our 2016 Democratic Headquarters at 508 Westchester in Harrisonville!

At 6:00 pm we'll gather for pizza, and then at 7:00 pm we'll hear from our local candidates about their campaigns.


Organizational Meeting


We will have our reorganization meeting Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the restored courtroom in the Courthouse on the Square in Harrisonville. This is a required meeting after the election of our committee people every two years.  Please plan to attend.  We will elect our Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. 
See you there. 

Patty Johnson, Chair
Cass County Democrat Central Committee