12th Annual Back to Blue
One week to go before our 12th Annual Back to Blue event. Do you have your tickets? There will be no tickets available at the door but, you can still purchase yours by calling 816-887-2323. See you Saturday!
2016 Cass County Democratic Committee Mass Meeting
All Democrats in Cass County interested in participating in the delegate selection process should gather at the Courtroom on the second floor of the Old Courthouse on the Square, 102 E. Wall, Harrisonville, Missouri, on Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 7:30 P.M.
The April 7 meeting is the first level of a multi-tiered Delegate Selection Process in Missouri. It will eventually lead to the selection of Democratic delegates and alternates to the Democratic National Convention, which will be held July 25-28 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Persons elected on April 7th will attend the Congressional District Convention on April 28th and have the opportunity to be elected as a Congressional District National Delegate or Alternate. They will also be able to attend the Missouri State Democratic Convention on June 18, 2016. Delegates and alternates will be allocated to presidential candidates to accurately reflect the expressed presidential preferences in the March 15th Presidential Primary.
Participation is open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats, who are residents and registered voters in Cass County, who are at least eighteen years of age, who declare themselves to be Democrats, are not members of any other political party, who have voted in the March 15, 2016 Presidential Primary.
Municipal Elections April 5th
"All Politics Is Local" - Tip O'Neill
Municipal elections are Tuesday, April 5th. Alderman, Council, Mayor, School Boards and several very important tax issues are on the ballot in Cass County. These elections are so important to our communities, don't forget to VOTE!
March Monthly Meeting
Come join us this coming Thursday, March 24th. We'll talk about delegate selection, filing deadline and who has filed for State, County and Committee Person, and other upcoming events. Please join us!
Belton St. Patrick's Day Parade
The Cass County Democrats had a great turnout for Belton's St. Patrick's Day Parade and a fantastic reception from the folks along the parade route!
Belton St. Patrick's Day Parade
Join us next Saturday, March 12th, for the Belton St. Patrick's Day parade. Line-up is at 4:00pm in Belton Memorial Park. Let's show Cass County how much fun it is to be a Cass County Democrat! We'll have some candidate lit to hand out and signs to carry.
February Meeting
Join us this Thursday night, February 25th. To say there is a lot going on is an understatement. We've got phone banks for Hillary and Bernie, candidate filings, delegate selection, Back to Blue and MUCH more to talk about. Jalen Anderson, from Blue Springs, will also be joining us. Jalen is a committeeman for the Young Democrats of Missouri and Judicial Representative for the South Central Region Young Democrats of America. See you all Thursday night!
Ashley for State Representative Fundraiser
Please join with Scott Friedrich, Gary Mallory, Joe Burke, Larry and Mary Dobson, Carl Gum, Janet Burlingame, Pam Shipley, KC Building Trades and Special Guest Attorney General Chris Koster for a fundraising reception in support of Ashley for State Representative.
12th Annual Back to Blue
Please join us for our 12th annual Back to Blue fundraiser.
Your support is critical to the success of Democrats in Cass County and the State of Missouri. We are already working hard to make the 2016 election a success for Democrats and we hope you will join us in our efforts by attending our annual event and/or being a Program Sponsor.